Senior Unfairly Demoted by Starbucks

The worst thing happened to me today. The absolute worst. I was demoted to a “green” status by Starbucks. They’re right on the corner by our house and I do frequent them. But I didn’t get 300 stars this year so I’m demoted. How dare they do that to me? I bought their stock back in the day before people even knew who they were. The new Starbucks on the corner, about a half-a-mile-away, must’ve been designed by someone who flunked out of architectural school. You have to drive into and out of the adjacent shopping center parking lot, turn to get back to the main busy street, then turn back into the Starbuck’s designated area lot to wait in line. Then to leave you have to do it all in reverse. So much traffic you can nearly lose your life just to get your damn coffee. Did I give up, no! I continued to go to that navigationally challenged Starbucks. I’m not a quitter. I never give up. I’m up to the challenge. Almost avoiding death on more than one occasion just to...