Sully and The President

A dog named Sully. That name reminds me of Sully Sullenberger, the hero of flight 1549 who was able to save dozens of lives by landing a plane on the Hudson River in New York. Alas another Sully has emerged to save the day as President George H.W. Bush’s favorite companion. Not since Rin Tin Tin and Lassie has a dog received so much attention, praise, and love. Sully’s sad looking face is enough to make a grown person cry. And many have. Most people are interested in what’s going to happen to Sully. They worry about how much he’s going to miss 41 and the Bush family, and wonder if the family should keep him as one of their pets. There’s even been long conversations on this on social media. Many are debating whether Sully is actually depressed, or whether he even knows his former owner is gone. Hundreds of people want to adopt him. They think he should have a home, forever. I know these service type dogs are trained and I guess they get used to havi...