Pandemic Lessons

So sad that it took a worldwide pandemic where hundreds of thousands had to die. And while we were hunkering down at home... We learned we could persevere. We worked and took lessons from home. People cooked more but also ate more junk food. Banana cake was the salvation. We got to know our family much better. We learned to share, laugh and cry together. It was like it used to be in the old days. Folks actually learned to live without. Even go without toilet paper. We worried about our elderly family members making sure they were ok. It was difficult to to keep up with their health though we still checked in on them often. We discovered this strange thing called zoom. We met friends and family for holidays and even special events on zoom. We had drive-by celebrations with decorated cars. A funny thing happened though while we were in pandemic mode. Animals that hadn’t been seen in years crawled out of the woodwork and multiplied. Bugs came back in droves. Pa...