The Final Straw

So now they want to take away our straws. What’s a boomer to do? So many straw memories. So many straw-filled good times. Remember when drug stores actually had a small dining area? You could park yourself, and a few of your friends, at the counter. Then, for a few cents, order a cherry phosphate or milkshake. In those days no one skimped on the beverage sizes. The drinks were big. Too big to gulp down. So how did you drink them? Through a straw! Sometimes you split the drink with a friend, maybe even two. Then you probably used an extra straw, may be even more. Now I’m all for saving the planet. I think it’s great that we want to clean up the garbage in the ocean. And, I’m all for cleaning up the landfills. But think a minute, what actually takes up more room in a landfill… a straw, a drinking cup, diapers, paper towels, paper plates, or plastic utensils? Let’s not forget about all the soda bottles and soda cans, beer bottles and beer cans. The list...