Dumba The Roomba

So we bought a Roomba. We call her Dumba. Dumba The Roomba. It’s a girl you ask? With two male cats, possibly a male bird, and a husband, I need a female on my side. No one can clean as good, and be on time, and on budget, and not be a female. Roomba does it! All across the house she is doing her thing. You don’t have to nag her to vacuum. She doesn’t need any breaks, any tips and it doesn’t complain. She does her job. Doesn’t ask for a raise, and won’t talk on the phone while she's working. And she shows up on time, every time. Worth her weight in gold. She doesn’t even eat on the job. Doesn’t take long bathroom breaks either. She actually goes under and around the furniture, something I’ve been trying to get people to help me with for my whole life. Not even paid personnel understand that one. I figured at my age I was entitled to some help cleaning this house. A lot with two cats, one bird and one husband doing their best to make dust and crumbs etc. ...