Dumba The Roomba

So we bought a Roomba. We call her Dumba. Dumba The Roomba. It’s a girl you ask? With two male cats, possibly a male bird, and a husband, I need a female on my side. No one can clean as good, and be on time, and on budget, and not be a female.

Roomba does it! All across the house she is doing her thing. You don’t have to nag her to vacuum. She doesn’t need any breaks, any tips and it doesn’t complain. She does her job. Doesn’t ask for a raise, and won’t talk on the phone while she's working. And she shows up on time, every time. Worth her weight in gold.

She doesn’t even eat on the job. Doesn’t take long bathroom breaks either.

She actually goes under and around the furniture, something I’ve been trying to get people to help me with for my whole life. Not even paid personnel understand that one.

I figured at my age I was entitled to some help cleaning this house. A lot with two cats, one bird and one husband doing their best to make dust and crumbs etc. I could spend all of every day cleaning this place.

I'd rather have some time to myself as I go into my later years, other than being a slave to this house.

Having a cleaning person was out of my budget, now that I’m retired. Believe me I had a few in my lifetime when I worked and my kids were small.

I had one lady that came every several weeks and she polished the two pieces of silver I got as wedding gifts. She polished them every time. I guess she liked to polish silver. I ended up donating them a long, long time ago to Goodwill.

The polisher was asked to retire pretty quickly. Many years went by with no help. Finally, while I was still working full-time and the kids were still teens, I decided again to pursue some clean-up assistance. Unfortunately the one we hired showed up whenever she wanted to, even if we were still in bed in the morning. She said she wanted to get an early start. And she did her laundry at our house. That’s a no-no, so she went by the wayside.

More years went by and I decided again to give it a try with another maid. Well this one talked on the phone the whole time she cleaned and refused to empty the trash cans. She said oh you can do that. Then while she was talking on the phone she would eat her lunch and try to clean my house at the same time.

You get the drift.

That brings us to my friend Dumba. I panicked and was never so afraid in my life when Dumba almost tumbled down the basement steps. That would be a tragedy. I think she was playing on my nerves because she stopped right at the edge before I could get to her. I am most fell down the steps.

So I was thinking about getting Dumba some help. Maybe another one just for our bedroom. The cats love it in there, it is where they spend most of their time. I figure Dumba deserves a little assistance because she works so hard and doesn’t complain. I hope she doesn’t burn her motor out. I’m certainly burned out, I can tell you that!

I think my motor burned out a long time ago. Another topic for another day.


  1. Love this one! Maybe the cats will decide to take a ride on the Roomba! I've seen pictures of that.


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