Rite of Passage


I used to notice spots on my mom’s and aunt’s clothes.

I couldn’t figure out why they couldn’t be more careful. Who wants spots on their clothes?

Years later, I’m that person. I like to wear white t-shirts because they’re pale and not hot. And comfortable. Though drinking coffee in the morning with a white t-shirt is impossible.

I keep kitchen towels around my neck and spill the coffee on my shirt anyway. What’s that about?

When we go out to dinner with friends, I always take the big napkins with the nice material and put them under my chin like you would with a child. Somehow my clothes get spotted anyway.

My friend told me to get to get the white Clorox sticks. They just don’t work.

So now I often just wear black. But how boring is black? Imagine me with black on all the time. Black pants are fine, but the top has to been loud and cheerful if not white.

Today when I buy clothes, I get them really loud. If I spot on it well it fits in.

I decided years ago when my grandma wore those black high-top shoes, they were the ugliest things I ever saw, that I would be dead before I ever put those on.

That being said, my feet are disgusting. I can't wear sandals in public, but I managed to wear things that are loud and comfortable even if it’s a different pair of tennis shoes. I will protest dressing like an old lady until I die.

I guess you figured out that I march to the tune of my own drummer. Always have and always will. Told that to my kids and they know it.

The bottom line is never be ashamed of who you are.




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