OK Boomer

Since most of the people that read my blog are known by the dreaded word “boomers” I thought I would get the word out to speak for us. I always thought baby boomers were special. We were going to change the world. And we did for the better. Our music was the best, our clothing was great. We knew how to have fun. We were never going to get old. For a long time I said boomers rule. Well the unbelievable thing happened, we actually somehow got old. I never use that word “old”. In fact, for over 20 years the AARP has been trying to get me to join but I won’t. Why would I want to admit to being old. Old is a state of mind if you ask me. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want to, within reason as you age. So a few weeks ago I read about a phrase called OK Boomer and it was derogatory. Well that got my boomer rage up. So of course I googled it. Isn’t that what you do every day about something you don’t know? Well I got more pissed as I read it. It seems the kids ...