Hippocratic or Hypocrite?

Doctors are required to take the Hippocratic Oath. Or are they hypocrites? I love all my doctors and they’ve all proven themselves to be just what they’re supposed to be. Now there are many other people out there professing to know what’s best for you. I’m not here to argue with any of them I’m just stating my case. If only half the things that they claim were true, we’d have a real healthy America. I don’t have an opinion about CBD oil. I know what the claims say but I don’t have any personal opinion because I’ve never tried it. They say it’s better than sliced bread. A recent advertisement I got for a health newsletter claims to have inside secrets to things that everybody needs to know. I’m not even going list all the claims they say will help you. I do believe there is a time and place for alternative medicines. No hate mail please. Did you know you have to take your blood pressure in both arms and if one is 10 points different than the other, you could be havin...