Through with Drive-Thrus

Have you noticed that the world has become a big drive-thru? They took away the best part of summer the DRIVE-IN. There you could eat, talk and have no one tell you to shush. And you did not have to pay $8.00 for a bag of popcorn. And $5.00 or more for a soda. There should be a law against that. At the drive-in you could slouch, sleep, and take the kids, for free. So meanwhile you can drive through the bank, McDonald's, and Starbucks. I think in California they even have drive-thru church services. Maybe have drive-thru funerals. How do you get a body through the window? Who dresses it? Ugh, let's change the subject. So at these drive-thru places you are at the mercy of the order taker. How many times have you gotten the wrong stuff? It's hard to check the bag when there are people honking behind you. And what if you cannot find your credit card or the right bills? People behind you have killed for less. How about the stores that make...