Through with Drive-Thrus

Have you noticed that the world has become a big drive-thru?

They took away the best part of summer the DRIVE-IN.

There you could eat, talk and have no one tell you to shush. And you did not have to pay $8.00 for a bag of popcorn. And $5.00 or more for a soda. There should be a law against that.

At the drive-in you could slouch, sleep, and take the kids, for free.

So meanwhile you can drive through the bank, McDonald's, and Starbucks.  I think in California they even have drive-thru church services. Maybe have drive-thru funerals. How do you get a body through the window? Who dresses it? Ugh, let's change the subject.

So at these drive-thru places you are at the mercy of the order taker. How many times have you gotten the wrong stuff?

It's hard to check the bag when there are people honking behind you. And what if you cannot find your credit card or the right bills? People behind you have killed for less.

How about the stores that make you bag your own groceries? The one good thing is if the eggs break you only have yourself to blame! My problem is the checkers check you out faster than you can put the groceries on the conveyor belt.  More nasty people behind you!

Some stores let you be your own checker and bagger. That checking thing is above my pay grade. The darn thing never works or gets jammed and I have to wait a long time for help.

Let's talk about my all-time pet peeve, pumping your own gas. Really? The smell of gas makes me ill.
I have never been to a pump that is exactly like the one before. I have had my shoes smell like gas and my credit card stuck in the machine. Who discovered this anyway?

So how is POTUS going to make America great again? For years all the jobs that kept teens in cash have gone away. It never hurt a kid to pump gas, check out customers or bag at a grocery store.

How about cutting a lawn or shoveling snow? We are raising, soft, spoiled and lazy kids (no hate letters allowed).  Why not make America great with hard working teens that know the value of a buck and what hard work is, (another blog coming on that later). Not all are lazy. Many kids do work at camps and amusement parks to earn money.

My kids (now grown) both worked to make spending money. I do not think it hurt them either. They delivered papers, worked at grocery stores, did dishes, and waited tables. Now days, if you had your kids do that, you could be reported for child endangerment or brutally.

I wanted to pay some kids to help around the house. Could not find any. We did it for free.

Our grandson even said, "What's the point. You can't do anything with a buck anyway."

I have an idea. Since the malls are becoming a thing of the past: let's have a huge drive-thru mall. You could drive from place to place and not leave your car.  Mall walk?  Sorry, no can do!


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