Tired of Being Faked Out

Well somewhere in the last election cycle, not mentioning any names, the term Fake News evolved. This is not a political column so I will not speak on that subject. There’s much to be said but I am refraining myself. So now when a newspaper or television station prints or says something not to the liking of a political candidate they call it “Fake News”. Fake News has been around for centuries. When I was at the supermarket last week waiting in the check-out line there were lots of different magazines on the rack. Side-by-side one magazine said that Brad and Angelina called off their divorce. The magazine next to it said Brad was engaged to someone else. Who reads this stuff and who believes it anyway? This is really Fake News. I can see the children of today telling their folks when they get into trouble at school it's Fake News. I wonder if Fake News will be considered a form of defense in a court of law. I'll have to research that one and ge...