Totally Spiced Out

Have you ever noticed this world has become one giant spice? For several years I've been seeing jalapeño everything. Now this past year everything is Sriracha!

A few years ago we were at a fair where they sold homemade jams and jellies. For the life of me I could not find one jelly or jam that was normal. How about jalapeño, lemon pepper, red pepper flakes and hot pepper jams and jellies! Not one normal jelly in the bunch.

Normal barbecue sauce. What's that? We have Sriracha barbecue sauce, honey barbecue sauce, hot and spicy barbecue sauce, and vinegar barbecue sauce.

How about a normal potato chip? We have salt and vinegar potato chips. Who in their right mind wants to eat that? Then there's ranch potato chips, barbecue potato chips, hot and spicy potato chips, and crunchy chips. All potato chips are crunchy what's that about? Potato chips are wonderful all by themselves even without salt.

Did you know that they have barbecue sauce ranch dressing now? And did I mention pumpkin? Everything is pumpkin this and pumpkin that. Now there is even pumpkin spice whipped crème, go figure.

Mustards, let's talk mustards. Their used to be one mustard now there's spicy mustard, brown mustard, hot and spicy mustard, and  Dijon mustard, just to name a few.

The world has gone crazy! All the food manufacturers are vying for the number one spot so they keep coming up with ideas good or bad. Remember the new and improved Coke, what a disaster that was.

Let's discuss Oreo cookies. This summer I saw Banana Split Oreo, Coffee Oreo, and Lemon Oreo cookies. How about double stuff! Why ruin an already perfect cookie? Are they nuts? Oh and Birthday Cookie Oreo. I had to spit that out! Just read that they are coming out with an Apple Oreo for fall. The others I could not taste.

Breaking news…Oreo just added a pumpkin spice and hot cinnamon Oreo cookie. Where will it end?

Remember the all perfect milk chocolate? What is better than milk chocolate anything? Well if you remember a few years ago the powers that be decided that milk chocolate had too much cocoa butter in it and was unhealthy. But dark chocolate had a higher concentration of cocoa which is healthier and better for you. So what did I do? I gave up my love for milk chocolate and started eating the better but bitter stuff.

Some of my friends actually say they prefer the dark chocolate. I think they're lying through their chocolate teeth. They say the dark chocolate satisfies you more and you don't have to eat as much. You don't have to eat as much because it's so damn bitter who wants to?

M&M’s melt in your mouth not in your hands. Some of the flavors they have I would rather they did melt in my hands then in my mouth. They're coming out with pumpkin flavored M&M’s. I like M&M’s and I like pumpkin flavor, but not sure I'm going to like the combo.

The only one making money out of this new food craze is the manufacturer of anti-acid medication. I can imagine the stomachs of all these people that eat all this stuff. As the younger generation ages let's see what this spicy stuff does to their tummies.

Oh wait something not spicy, or salty, or hot, is peanut butter and chocolate. Now there is a combo of my two favorite things in the world, and I've never tasted a bad peanut butter chocolate anything.

Wait a minute I have to go to the grocery. I just heard that they came out with Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Coffee Creamer. Now that I have to taste.


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