Running Scared

Running scared. That phrase has a whole new meaning now.

This group of Generation Zers that we thought were glued to their boxes (iphones) actually know how to think.

Our country will be great again.

I was afraid that these pill popping, pot smoking kids would run our country into the ground.

Work ethic? Not sure if they had one. But when push came to bullets and their lives, and that of their friends were at stake, they grew up fast.

This was their awakening and they did a 180 degree turnaround and fooled us.

For my generation it was the murder of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. For this one it was the murder of their friends and teachers.

Amazing what they have been able to do in a few short weeks, including putting “the gun” to the heads of the all too powerful NRA. Something no one has been able to do.

How dare an organization have so much power. All to the tune of the Second Amendment? Really?

I am so proud to have grandkids of this new generation! They have a different set of values! Good for them.

And their mothers and fathers, dubbed “helicopter parents” for over-meddling in their children’s lives, have done something right.

When I was their age I was worried about mundane things. Embarrassed to say exactly what.

If you read the comments and the insults said about these kids you know the gun lovers are running scared. Their immature words make me think they belong in school.

The all too powerful NRA cannot seem to stop this locomotive. It’s running so fast it may derail right on their money making heads.

The same pundits who have vilified Hillary Clinton, and elected a president who makes her look like a school girl, have now turned to attacking these kids. Their true colors are beginning to show.

I say children and teens of America march strong and win. Keep going and make America the country that the world can once again look up to.


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