Kiss My Fridge
Some kitchen appliance expert made a big mistake when they decided
stainless steel was going to be the wave of the future.
Sure it looks beautiful, shiny, and very impressive. But you cannot
put magnets on a stainless steel refrigerator. What's with that?
I have all stainless steel appliances but not a stainless steel
refrigerator, at least not yet.
My whole life is on the refrigerator. Sure my iPhone has a lot but my
refrigerator has more. All of my doctor cards, class schedules, doctors’ appointments,
and, don't forget the most important thing of all, recent pictures of the
grandkids are all there.
Probably the most important business card of all, our handyman, is there
too. We would be lost without him.
Funny but we don't want to share our favorite handyman with just
anybody. People are more guarded about giving out their handyman’s phone number
than their beauticians and cleaning people if they have them.
Nothing worse than needing your handyman ASAP and he's out busy with
referrals that you've given him. That's a no-no. If you give a referral for a
handyman, and he does a lousy job, that could break up a friendship.
Now I suppose you could put magnets on a bulletin board but I've never
seen one the size of my refrigerator. Who has the wall space with the open
concept for a bulletin board that size anyway?
I do not have an extra wall for anything.
I'm not exactly a world traveler but I have magnets from lots of
places, plus a few other favorites.
I haven't figured out how you could put them on a bulletin board, don’t
think that will work.
What about the companies that make all those thousands of magnets? Will
the stainless steel industry shut them down?
Then there is case of buying gifts on a trip. What are you supposed to
buy someone when you just wish to get them a little memento? I think us magnet
lovers have to stand up and protest!
Now I know there are a lot of people out there that are minimalists. I
know they don’t want magnets or anything else cluttering their home. I always
looked upon it as their problem, not mine. Life is too short to not have
anything out, anywhere.
Some minimalist domiciles look like display homes. Does anyone
actually live there?
I always feel sorry for people like that. It appears they are just a guest in their own
home. Now I'm not one for clutter but somewhere between clutter and being a
minimalist is my style.
You can certainly know when you're in my home, that someone lives
there. In fact we have two someone's and three someone's with tails.
It all brings me back to the refrigerator. I think you can tell a lot about
a person just by looking at their refrigerator, unless it's stainless steel. Then you have to do a deeper dive.
The refrigerator will reveal how many places a person has traveled and
what they have seen. Of course, a few will cheat. They will have magnets on display
not from their travels, but from those of their friends. In this scenario you
have no idea if your own friends made that trip or someone else did.
Some magnets, of course, are more valuable than others. The farthest
away and the more exotic the location displayed, the higher the points.
Magnets will also reveal a lot about a person’s personality. Are their
magnets boring? Or are they cute or kitschy? You have to give everyone some
leeway on this as a few boring magnets are often given as gifts. But too many
of the same-old, same-old, not very exciting.
Then there is a whole class of magnets that can be considered “smart-ass”.
You can say a lot without actually
saying it, if you catch my drift. If someone is a prude and sees it, you can
say it was a gift. These may be the most fun of all.
Don’t like my magnets? Well you can just kiss my fridge!
Shelly, I loved this! I can so relate to your style. We have magnets from all kinds of places on our fridge, and some that just say things as well. Becky
ReplyDeleteThanks Becky. Glad you enjoyed it.