The Final Word

Has everyone had enough of election politics yet?

Tired of watching the back-to-back-to-back commercials running endlessly on television? The only one profiting from all of this are the TV networks and stations.

I guess I’m living in a dream world but wouldn’t it be nice if all the millions of dollars spent on TV propaganda was actually used to help feed poor kids, or fix our streets, our bridges and aging infrastructure?

If they don’t reach you through the media they will get you by phone. Our phones have been ringing from pollsters and the election machine constantly all day and all night.

I have to turn my cell and house phones off just to get some work done.

I don’t know about you but I’d love to be able to turn on the news and hear actual news. All this election hype does is rile up the crazies out there, of which we have plenty!

What happened to all the presidents that said we were going to have election reform? It has gone by the wayside with all the other honorable journalism stories out there.

Back in the day being a journalism student was considered a respectable job. Or a career. Now it’s about ratings and getting the story out there first, whether it’s true or not.

And the blame game, oh my gosh. If I hear one more person blame his opponent for something that he had nothing to do with, I may just take a gun that I don’t own and shoot my television set.

Not going to get into fake news!

I turn on BBC international so I can actually hear what’s going on in the rest of the world.

We started taping TV programs so we can fast-forward through the commercials.

To paraphrase my mother-in-law stealing a line or two from Gone With The Wind, “I won’t think about that now. I’ll think about it tomorrow.”


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