Dead Butt Syndrome

I read a lot. I am a valuable source of useless information.

It’s a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

Well I noticed an article I just read about dead butt syndrome.

That’s a new one for me. Apparently it’s a real thing and hundreds of Americans suffer from it.

It comes from sitting on your butt all the time.

I wish I knew about this when I was raising my kids. That may have scared them more than telling them if they don’t eat their vegetables they will get into trouble because there are kids starving in China.

If I could have told my kids... If you don't get off your butt and do something your butt could be frozen! Now that could scare a kid. It even scares me.

What about all these kids who incessantly play games on their phone. I’ve heard of kids going to parties and sitting next to each other all while still transfixed on their phones. We’re raising a generation of kids that do not know how to engage in conversation with each other.

They need to develop some treadmills for young kids to walk on while they’re on their handheld computers. It would be good exercise and good for their balance.

I can just see them as 40 year-old adults. They won't be able to get out of their chairs because they have dead butt syndrome.

This also explains what’s going on with some of the politicians. If their brains are where we think they may be, that could be the answer to all the problems we have in this nation.

I wonder if Kim Kardashian got her butt from sitting on it all the time as a child.
It runs in the family so I guess not.

No hate mail please I’m not being racist against big butts.

I guess that Mark Zuckerberg knew about this because he has treadmills for his employees. They can "walk" while they work. He was actually doing them a favor. Not only are they getting exercise but they’re keeping themselves from getting dead butt syndrome.

I wonder if you lose brain cells if you sit on your butt too much. I will have to do some research on that. I guess it depends on where your brains are.

It’s a very painful condition and you lose strength in your glutes and thighs. All of which come in handy.

I have to get up now and walk around, before my butt goes dead. Until next time.


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