This Turtle Is A Real Stud

So there’s a turtle who is 100 years old and his name is Diego.

I would think by now many of you have heard about this famous turtle. He alone has saved his whole species. His whole tribe, his whole race.

In the 1970's he was taken from the San Diego Zoo to his native Galapagos Islands. His job to become the stud that would save the turtle population on Espanola Island.  He was one of just a handful turtles left of his species. So he got to go to Galapagos Islands and was quarantined as part of a special reproductive program. What a beautiful place to have to go to.

Over the past 44 years he’s given birth or spawned hundreds of little Diego's.

Now I’m a city girl and I really don’t know if turtles mate or if they just reproduce on their own. I’ll do the research and get back to you on that.

I wonder if Diego had to go into a little room and read dirty magazines, or was he just was able to do it on demand.

So now, since his job is done, and he’s 100 years old, they’re taking him back to his original island. I think he should be honored first.

He is a hero and at the very least deserves a parade at Disney World with his own special float to honor him.

What happens when he gets back to his original island? No one will remember him. Some are dead, others will simply be confused.

However, once he gets reacclimated, he’ll figure out he is surrounded by family and lots of it. Think of all the Christmas gifts they will have to buy, oy vey. 

I don’t know how he can carry pictures of all his kids’ grand kids, great grand kids, and great, great, great grand kids. And how is he ever going to remember all those names?

I think Diego deserves to have his own Apple iPhone with a place for pictures and names. And it should be easy to use and not have to be updated every 15 minutes to confuse him.

And for those of you who like turtle soup out there, stop it.


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