Getting Swept Up In The Broom Challenge

Monkey see monkey do.

It was my mom’s favorite phrase to me when I wanted to do something and told her all the kids were doing it. She said if they all jumped off a roof would you do that too?

So the Internet has allowed a lot of people to be monkeys. Don’t take this the wrong way please.

First was the ice bucket challenge. Who in their right mind wants to dump a pail of ice or ice water on themselves? Just give your money to the charity for gosh sake.

What’s cute or funny about having your picture on Facebook looking like an idiot with ice water running down your face.  Ruins your hair, your make up, and probably your clothes.

What about selfies standing on the edge of a cliff? Not even a monkey would be stupid enough to stand on the edge of a cliff. If he did fall he could probably grab onto something with his long arms  and legs.

Are you impressed with a photo of a friend standing on the edge of a cliff? I just think they’re a total idiot.

What about out-running a train? How many people have lost their life with that. America is becoming a land of total idiots. Talk about the dumbing down of America.

The art of impressing everybody proves that we’re on the way down mentally.

It’s certainly OK when you travel to have your photo taken in front of places that most people never get to visit. Now that’s interesting.

Some choose to pose with a movie star and place that photo on social media. Of course, these days, I don’t recognize most of these movie stars. They have wild hair, wild clothes and so many tattoos that it turns me off totally. I know tattoos are the in thing, no hate mail please. A little tattoo here and there is fine, but when it takes over your neck, your arms, and your face UGH.

I’m so happy my boys were raised when tattoos were not popular. One of my kids got an earring in his lobe. He took that off the day he graduated college. The other one had a mullet which actually was kind of cute.

So now we have the latest some media craze, standing up a broom.

A friend posted a picture of a broom on an empty wood floor, and it stumped me. I thought it was early in the morning and she was cleaning her house. I could not figure out what the heck she was doing. Maybe she hit her head in the middle of the night.

Then a second friend posted a photo with a broom and I thought OK something weird is going on. I better investigate it.

So I found out it was a fake challenge that somebody started. It said any broom will stand up on its own. I don’t think it’s a sign of anyone’s talent. The brooms are made to stand erect because of the way they are angled.
I use a broom every day in our house because of the debris left by our animals. I have no desire to have it stand up. Except if somebody’s going to come over and sweep for me, then I’m all for it. They can stand up 100 brooms in our house. I’ll be happy to take their photo and frame it on Facebook, Instagram and on every other site. No charge.

Let me know if you’re interested.


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