Boomer Remover

So you kids think this Coronavirus is the “Boomer Remover”? This is not a joke.

Listen you little snotty nose rug rats. Who do you think wiped your butt when you pooped in your pants and your parents were busy?

Who gave you money every time you were short or even when you weren’t just because we loved you?

Who gave you money for your first car, your first bike, your first anything?

We didn’t have any of those things. We wouldn’t even think about asking for those things when we were kids.

Think about all the money we’ve given you towards those ridiculous video games that you keep buying like their popcorn. We spend good money on them and you discard or lose them within days or weeks.

So little "poopers" did you get the message yet?

The boomers are not going anywhere. We taught your parents most everything they know and gave them the opportunity for a good education so they could raise you little killjoys.

You blame us for the environmental shape of the world. If it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t even have a world.

Put that in your vapors and smoke it. Too bad a lot of you are too stupid to know that it’s worse on your lungs than cigarettes!

Now go wash your hands carefully and think about that.


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