Buzz Off


So we’re in the middle of a pandemic, rioting all over the United States, and the Republicans and Democrats waging their own war.

So here on the home front we have a battle of our own. Flies, mosquitoes, fleas, larva, bees, wasps and moles

Let’s not forget the deer that like to eat my plants and vegetables. And there are the spiders. We get those every year. Years ago when I had my house sprayed for bugs the technician would always ask me what I had in the house. The first thing I would say is spiders. He said it doesn’t work for that. I would list a couple other things like flies and mosquitoes. Again I was told it doesn’t work for that. I decided he doesn’t work for me anymore.

So in 50 years of having kitties we never had one with fleas. They’re not outside cats and I wouldn’t know a flea if I saw one.  I guess if my cats were itching that would be my first clue.  Well they were and they do have fleas.  2020, the gift that just keeps on giving.   

So we have a treatment to give them once a month which is not too bad for them or for us.

But I haven’t stopped itching since they got diagnosed. Everything itches.

I called my beautician the other day because I was there last week to get my haircut and a shampoo.  I asked her if she saw anything crawling around in my hair and didn’t want to tell me.

She joked and said well I guess you can get a flea collar. And she said she will charge me extra to be sprayed.

I told her I’m the comedy writer not you.

Now if my mom was alive she would tell me not to tell anybody. Why you ask?  She thought anytime anybody had anything in their house of the flying nature that meant you weren’t a good housekeeper. That may be true but I don’t worry about stuff like that.

My mother had nerves of steel. No one got the best of her. She even killed spiders with her bare hands. She would raise her voice and bugs turned around and flew the other way. I never knew anybody that would kill any kind of an animal or bug with their bare hands.  Yuk! 

My husband called my mom Ironsides. She never knew that.

Doing some short research on fleas I found out they can sneak through the tiny holes in your screen. I guess that means I can’t open my windows anymore. I’m thinking about the freezing, cold weather and lots of snow and ice. Then we may have a spider or two. A couple times we had a mouse sneak  in the basement. They don’t like the cold either. We took care of them and my cats took care of them too.


  1. First of all dear friend, you would know a flea if you saw one because they jump
    They will be in the carpeting and are difficult to get rid of. Years ago in the early 80’s I had an
    Awful infestation and the entire house had to be treated though I no longer recall what with.
    The good news is there is a product called Diatomaceous Earth that can be purchased online
    And is reasonably priced. Buy the Food Grade which is safe for us and our pets.
    It’s a white powder mined from Natural deposits in the earth. It penetrates the shells or carapace Of fleas and ticks and all insects that are bothersome, and dries out their insides. That goes, for spiders and all the insect eggs. I sprinkle it in my shag carpet and work small amounts into my westie’s wiry fur. Do this outside as the powder flies and you really dont want it in your or the cats lungs.
    People use the food grade in their food as a mineral supplement, that’s how safe it is but its effective too. Just work small amount in fur on back and each side of the cats, with your hand pat some of the excess out of the fur and that’s it. Vacuum frequently to get the dead fleas. I’ll send you a pic of a flea on chat. Neither of my Westies has ever had a flea or a tick. I’ve use this product for 4 years


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