The Covid Cabinet


We may be the only country in the world with its entire leadership under quarantine.

We haven’t been number one in the world in anything. But we are now.

Laughingstock of the world.

So now let’s get down to business. The White House has to be shut down and fumigated.

Do they do it from top to bottom? What about the bunker ?

Do they give the project to a Republican  company or one owned by Democrats?

I wonder if they can find a coupon with a discount. Will everything now have to be dry cleaned and shampooed?

What about the kitchen and all the food in the freezer?

All because a certain number of people that live and/or work there would not follow CDC proto calls or wear a mask.

The president should have to pay for his White House to be fumigated.

 I think they need to have a Covid hospital just for the White House infected people.

Is Rikers Island available? Send them there.


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