Do You Know Libby? She's No Can of Pears

 Do you know who Libby is? I thought it was a can of pears.


Then I heard people talking about reading Libby‘s books!


So I thought this Libby has a lot of books and she’s lending them out to everybody!  How does she keep track of them?  And how much money does she have to be able to buy all those books anyway?


So I’m not a tech person as you figured out.   Having said that, I finally found out that Libby is actually the name of the club at the library. It’s pretty exclusive too. You have to have a library card to get in.


Then they give you codes, and you give them codes.  Then they give you numbers. So already I’m confused but I jotted down everything in my notes.


I joined Libby through my iPhone which is another issue but my husband took care of it. So now I have a little icon on my iPhone that is the logo for Libby. Yes, she has her own logo.  I think I should have my own logo too.


So I push the button on my phone to see what happens. Well I scrolled through all this information, put in all of my numbers and my codes, and my pin number, so by this time I was already frustrated.


Somehow, by the grace of God, I got in. Then I found out that if you want a book you have to get on a waiting list which could be long. Now this is a book online not a real hard cover book. So why then do you have to wait for a book that is just a digital copy?  That information apparently is way above my pay grade. I thought you just push a button and anybody that wants to read this book gets it. Oh no it’s the same as checking out a hard cover book from the library.


I don’t understand the reasoning behind this. And then I found out you only have two weeks to borrow this online copy. Well reading fast is not a problem for me. And the good thing is you don’t have to return it in person and if the book stinks you just make it go away.


Since I’m new to this game they have a whole list of books waiting for you to rent right now. So I figured they must be really bad or everybody’s already read them. So I picked one off the list after reviewing a few that sounded Icky, and I’m on my way.


So I have now learned a new high-tech thing. I taught myself years ago how to get on Facebook, Instagram and how to join all the Facebook clubs. Piece of cake. I even learned how to use the camera.  It was time for me to learn a new trick.


I have to finish reading my book. Last thing I need is some scary online librarian hunting me down.  Until next time.




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