Goat Meal

Unless you live in a cave or under a rock (in this time of Covid it may be a good idea) you have been hearing or seeing about lots of brush fires in different parts of the country and the world.

 Countries are desperate about finding ways to prevent these blazing fires starting from dried brush.

The lack of rain has caused the situation to worsen. The recent fires in Colorado are a devastating example

Some places have tried to control the burning of loose vegetation to get rid of the fire-causing dry brush.  That can be very dangerous. And in some of the places the brush is too far out of the realm to get anyone close enough to do something about it.

 The country of Australia is experimenting with goats to lower wild fire risk. Yes cute little Bambis!! Well it seems that goats will eat anything growing on the ground or in trees that they can reach. They are not picky about their vegetation.

 Goats eat and eat. They’re always hungry and eat just about anything grown. They can chew almost anything. 40 goats can consume more than half an acre in two weeks. In one week they can chew through low density vegetation. Goats can go through any kind of terrain, if it happens to be wet weather, the better. They reach many places that people can’t get to.

 How do you train a goat? It’s not easy.  They aren’t exactly taught to follow instructions before they’re allowed into noshing.  What I read is the goats are really stubborn, and hard as hell to be trained.

 I guess that’s where the expression comes from “stubborn as an old goat”. I bet we’ve all met some people like that.

 Goats don’t always follow instructions. There was a  female goat (nannie), named Sasha. She didn’t listen and jumped a fence, onto a residential property. And then there’s the story of the male goat named Cheeky Boy who liked to dig under fences so he can feed on the rich vegetation first, before eating the bad. Why shouldn’t he want his dessert first? He’s just like any other kid. Excuse me for the pun.

 Cheeky Boy learned his tricks from his mother who used to be at a petting zoo. So I don’t care what anybody says, kids do learn from their mother good or bad.

 Baa Baa!

 For those worried about their pets, goats will not eat other animals so the country doesn’t have to worry about them eating their critters. They don’t want to become extinct. They also like to climb and can reach up to 6 feet by standing on their hind legs. They can eat tasty gum trees and even pull out an entire sapling.

 They work for nothing and you don’t even have to feed them to get them to the location. I guess you can use their milk and hair for other products. Sounds like a win-win to me.

 Talk about a sensitive situation. I’m not sure what happens to their byproduct. I assume it just stays on the ground and fertilizes the dirt.

 I wonder if they take goat yoga classes to learn how to stretch and reach like that. I’d be interested in signing up for a few of those.

 If anybody’s ever been to a goat farm let me know where it is.  I sure would like to see them. Nothing is cuter than a baby goat. Oh and I forgot to say they definitely do like to butt you.

 I guess that’s where the other expression comes from, butting heads.

  Next up…goats being groomed for beauty contest.



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