This Groundhog Didn't Get His Day


Milltown Mel died! Who is Milltown Mel? He is one of a few rare ground hogs given the honor of an important once a year job.

 I guess he was protesting with the rest of Americans saying the pay was too low. One day before his performance.  A bit drastic. They even had to call off Groundhog Day in Milltown, New Jersey. Apparently there was no one in back up training.

 All the climate change we’ve had recently was probably just too much stress for him. Maybe he wasn’t taking his vitamins. He probably didn’t like his food and, like I said, his pay was probably very meager.

 How do you honor the famous dead groundhog?

 A special service? Cremation or ground burial? How about a medal of valor from the President for years of service. I wonder if he had any children that could take over. I don’t even know if he was married. I couldn’t even tell you how groundhogs mate.

 I don’t get into all that animal reproductive stuff.  I’m a city girl and really don’t care.

 On a brighter note, Punxsutawney Phil is still kicking. He was ready today for his Groundhog Day prediction. 

 Unfortunately Phil did see his shadow. Not what we wanted to hear. Six more weeks of winter. My boots are still out, ready to wear along with sweat pants and jeans.

 If anyone hears how they’re going to replace Milltown Mel, please let me know.


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